These little eyes have already seen too much sadness.
All he should know is the comfort of his mum’s fur and the safety of her wings. But at only 8 weeks, he’s known more loss and trauma than any living creature should.
On the 3rd of October 2015, we received a call with news we didn’t want to hear-
“a mum and baby bat, snared on a barbed wire fence, can you help? Oh, please hurry”…
We found him terrified, clinging to his mum, in the scorching heat of a 37 degree Melbourne day. She had desperately tried to protect him- the shade she cast over him spared his week old life. We had to pry him off her through tears, because we knew he wouldn’t see her again.
He cried for her for days, and so did we.
We promised to keep him safe and teach him how to be a wild animal. We’d show him what to eat and how to make friends until the day comes that we can wave goodbye to him (probably again through tears) and watch him fly home. We’ll give him back what humans took from him.
We owe it to his mum, to our ecosystem, and most of all we owe it to him. But sadly, it won’t just be him…
This Summer, hundreds of baby and adult bats in Melbourne will need us. We want to be there for them, because every single one of these animals are precious. They are (environmentally listed as threatened) Grey Headed Flying Foxes, and they’re disappearing at a terrifying rate.
But we can’t do it alone.
Purchasing a safe property for the bats and building a triage clinic has depleted our bank account, at the worst possible time- Summer- peak season for bat rescues and emergencies.
We urgently need donations to launch and sustain our rescue centre- ‘Fly By Night’ bat clinic. This will be Melbourne’s specialist bat clinic and shelter where pups and adult bats alike can recover safely among the treetops, in the peace and quiet of the forest, until they are strong enough to return to the wild.
Any amount you can so kindly contribute will help us ensure we have the resources to be there for our beautiful bats this Summer – whether it’s a hungry flying fox who’s unwittingly become entangled in a backyard fruit tree net in his nightly search for food, or a bewildered pup suddenly orphaned and alone and because her Mum has tragically died during a notorious Melbourne heatwave – every single dollar will help us be there.
Please help us get one step closer to helping them.
$25 will provide fruit for one of our bats for a week
$75 will feed our crèche of pups for a week
$150 will help power the clinic and provide cooling in Summer and Heating in Winter
$200 will cover our fuel for rescues across Victoria for a month
Your donation means the world to us, because in the words of Bradley Trevor Grieve,
“these wonderful creatures will not argue their case. They will not beg for reprieve. They will not say goodbye. They will not cry out. They will just vanish. And when they are gone there will be silence. There will be stillness.. and empty spaces. And nothing you can say will change this”
For more, head to https://www.facebook.com/melbournebatclinic
All he should know is the comfort of his mum’s fur and the safety of her wings. But at only 8 weeks, he’s known more loss and trauma than any living creature should.
On the 3rd of October 2015, we received a call with news we didn’t want to hear-
“a mum and baby bat, snared on a barbed wire fence, can you help? Oh, please hurry”…
We found him terrified, clinging to his mum, in the scorching heat of a 37 degree Melbourne day. She had desperately tried to protect him- the shade she cast over him spared his week old life. We had to pry him off her through tears, because we knew he wouldn’t see her again.
He cried for her for days, and so did we.
We promised to keep him safe and teach him how to be a wild animal. We’d show him what to eat and how to make friends until the day comes that we can wave goodbye to him (probably again through tears) and watch him fly home. We’ll give him back what humans took from him.
We owe it to his mum, to our ecosystem, and most of all we owe it to him. But sadly, it won’t just be him…
This Summer, hundreds of baby and adult bats in Melbourne will need us. We want to be there for them, because every single one of these animals are precious. They are (environmentally listed as threatened) Grey Headed Flying Foxes, and they’re disappearing at a terrifying rate.
But we can’t do it alone.
Purchasing a safe property for the bats and building a triage clinic has depleted our bank account, at the worst possible time- Summer- peak season for bat rescues and emergencies.
We urgently need donations to launch and sustain our rescue centre- ‘Fly By Night’ bat clinic. This will be Melbourne’s specialist bat clinic and shelter where pups and adult bats alike can recover safely among the treetops, in the peace and quiet of the forest, until they are strong enough to return to the wild.
Any amount you can so kindly contribute will help us ensure we have the resources to be there for our beautiful bats this Summer – whether it’s a hungry flying fox who’s unwittingly become entangled in a backyard fruit tree net in his nightly search for food, or a bewildered pup suddenly orphaned and alone and because her Mum has tragically died during a notorious Melbourne heatwave – every single dollar will help us be there.
Please help us get one step closer to helping them.
$25 will provide fruit for one of our bats for a week
$75 will feed our crèche of pups for a week
$150 will help power the clinic and provide cooling in Summer and Heating in Winter
$200 will cover our fuel for rescues across Victoria for a month
Your donation means the world to us, because in the words of Bradley Trevor Grieve,
“these wonderful creatures will not argue their case. They will not beg for reprieve. They will not say goodbye. They will not cry out. They will just vanish. And when they are gone there will be silence. There will be stillness.. and empty spaces. And nothing you can say will change this”
For more, head to https://www.facebook.com/melbournebatclinic